I had a lovely long chat with Jenna last night and realise how silly I have been not to let you know why I have been so quiet. Firstly, I fell into a sadness after Wembley. You all understand what it feels like because we share those feelings that Placebo bring out in us. I knew it would happen, tried to prepare but it was harder than I thought, to continue on with them becoming so quiet. Secondly, I have this appalling habit where if I leave communication for an amount of time that I deem unacceptable, rather than telling the person, I become embarrassed and continue the silence. Lastly, I have taken up my time by building a fanforum for a new band I am getting into. I really like them and because they are endorsed by Placebo I kinda feel like Placebo are still with me while I indulge.
But the point is, now I have come clean, I would like to check and contribute to P'fans like I use to. I hope that is okay?
Tess!!! I am happy that you are back in the real world with us But i can't believe you asked if it was okay??? What's that about woman You've always been part of the group that stuck together on PA (RIP) and the same group who followed on here and stuck together.
You are a part of the Placebo Elite girl and don't need any permission to post. Sometimes i feel that way when i visit PF that i read the posts and sometimes i answer and other times i seem to lose the thread a bit and come back when i can contribute. Okay lecture over....i think
Thanx for the talk last night, Tess. I think that we should all recognise that with us, as a group, the posting box is always open. Here I never feel excluded, and I know people will notice if any of us werent there. We are such a great family :aw: Tess, you don't need to ask to post here, its yours too as you helped make it such a great place. it wouldnt be the same with out you. Or any one of us for that matter. I too am guilty of a lack in posts.
(as everyone has said before) i'm glad to see you back here, Tess
and i agree with Jenna, we're a real family, it's just a feeling around here of respect and love to each other , that's why i like being around here...it's also one of the few places i can be myself and i'm accepted the way i am
"Forget perfection; you'll never reach it" - Salvador Dalí
Thank you all very much for your very warm welcome back and the group hug is something I really needed. Gonna dedicate an evening soon to catching up here on P'fans!