put your full name and your favorite outta placebos name her, and explain how much they mean to your or wot you think of them. you can't use the same word twice. it's funny, see wot you can come up with
B utterflies (they're in my stomach when I think about Bri) R eally sexy I mposibly to resist to A mazing N ancy bitch
M olkoholic O bsessive (cso i ahve an obsession with him, and this one was about me) L ustful K issing me O utstanding
D elicious A pocaliptic (after him, there's no one else) N irvana (this is where I'll get when I'll see brian) I mortant person in my life N ot normal, that guy is CRAZY!!!! A ll mine too (cos we were supposed to share)
L ickable U nderstanding P rince charming in a kinky way S exy A petisant (romanian word.. it means it attracts you too much, it can be about food, a person, or it's ass)