quote: Originally posted by: Will "i kno! no offence to bri, but when i seen them live. even tho they where brillient, bri tried to hard. stef was really cool tho. he just loox good. but bri did draw attention to him, and he looked abit... well. i dunno, shy. i like bri, but he does try way to hard sometimes. he's a good showman, but you could tell. anyway... but it was still cool seeing them live "
That's exactly what I told Jenna but she refuses to believe me..
I am the person with pain in his eyes, I am the person you never saw cry.
I may not have seen his boxers, but at least i got to see him on his knees straight in front of me doing a guitar solo. That concert was soooo good! That moment made it so much better as well!!!!! mmmmmmm..... i may need some alone time now.... *runs and has a cold shower*