well, we all know that next year placebo are to be bring out their new album!!!
what do you think its going to be like?.. will it be like twenty years, sorta ballady but with a hint of placebo! or like english summer rain or do you think there will be some more songs like Nancy boy in store?
what do you think the name of the album should be?
"Vanish like a lipstick trace
It always blows me away
with the side projects Bri and Stefan have been doing i think its going to be a bit more electro than the previous albums. i also think the songs are going to be more like 20years - a more sort of mature sound if that makes sense. anyways - what do u guys think?
"The new Placebo album will be a little bit more electronic than their other material, but it will still have loud guitars, and the obvious ballad. It is said that there will be an accoustic song performed by Xavior Roide, and as an extra, the album will come with a DVD including a little video called "Learn to do the gay dance" by Stef, and the videos of the album's singles. The album is gonna be called "Slaveto theDetails""
anyway, being serious, I have no idea how the next album will be...but you know that everything they do ends up sounding like Placebo...so...I guess I'm gonna like it
btw...if you never got the first part, forget it, it was just me fooling around...why? cause I'm bored...
"Forget perfection; you'll never reach it" - Salvador Dalí
Yeah anyway, what Nat said. I think with Steve's influence of rock it will be founded on that slightly but with the way that Brian's passion for electronic music is surfacing I think that will pose a new influence.
I love how experimental these guys are, we haven't been failed yet!