ooo I'm scared of clowns!! a child hood fear, when i was 4 i had a little blue clown that glowd in the dark, and it frightend the life out of sister had to keep it in her bed... ive had a phobia of them ever since....they give me shivvers...
-- Edited by Hannah_Molko at 16:45, 2004-09-13
"Vanish like a lipstick trace
It always blows me away
i think that from all those big lists you've made, i can only agree with spiders...and it's not that i have a phobia or something, it's just i don't like them....and well i have the fear of my mum dying...i know it might sound stupid..but the first time i was listening the covers album, my mum was taking a nap or something, and then, "Holocaust" started, and when Bri sang:"your mother's dead.....she's in her bed" i just shocked....i needed to see my mum to check if everything was ok...still, i don't want it to happen soon...i just love her so much, and she's a great mother...
"Forget perfection; you'll never reach it" - Salvador Dalí
we would, don't like clowns full stop. nice men in make-up isn't bad but creeepy men who run round in big shoes and make cocks of them selves for no reason is just creepy. just don't like them, one came up to me wene i was about six i burst into tears and hid behind my mum, she went mad coz she got the wrong idea and i screamed last year coz one came right up to me, it was horrible
I dont mind that, its just, i dunno, i just dont like it...i dont mind my friends linking arms with me because nic and kaylz do it all the time....but when they grab my arm...i dont like it...
"Vanish like a lipstick trace
It always blows me away
the same here, some times, coz i'm that pariniod about it, it hurts. or my hands, i've never liked thast since i was a babbie, my mum said i'd pull away and wouldn't let them. my friend sof is ok coz she ver does that but we do link arms, i don't mind coz i trust her. i have to kno the person well
i dont like clowns or dolls. when i was 10 i had a china doll and when i was playing with it i pushed its eye in and now im scared its a-coming to get me.
needles, veins ewwwww. *vomits* enough said on that.
now if any of you know francis off PA aka bloodline blue - he will back this up. i hate being touched, malled etc. i guess because im quite deep and i just like my space. there are other reasons but i dont wanna go into it. im also scared of getting to attached to anyone.(death looming).
Har Mar *vomits again* - sick and wrong
things under the bed (ever seen 6th sense - the girl under the bed *shivers*)
quote: Originally posted by: puremorning "ok.. I ahte being hugged all the time.. on of my mates hugs me everytime he sees me.. it's not good, and I'm not confortable with it... "
Yes, you sound rather like Jenna in that respect. It poses a few problems when you consider that, in this respect (and others), Jenna and I are polar opposites.
Alas it is a shame, I just try.. *sniff* ..not to let it hurt too bad..
I am the person with pain in his eyes, I am the person you never saw cry.
Oddly, I don't fear death. It used to terrifly my brother and it scares Kate too. Hell, it scares most people. This isn't a bravado though, I think it is just a quieter acceptance that I will die, maybe today, maybe tomorrow. Whatever happens, I try to make sure that I have done more good than bad in the world. That way, if I am in a car-crash, in a burning house, falling from a bridge or being mugged and knifepoint, I will know that I can lay my life on the line because I will have fulfilled my purpose.
I am, ironically, quite scared of hurting people. This is odd because I'm wholly tactless and have no visible sympathy for people. It is all a question of visibility and invisibility, I don't usually let myself show that I care. It has almost always hurt me in the end. Sympathy comes only rarely too, though that is just because I have none for anyone. Especially myself.
..and, at the core. Of being weak. But enough of that.
I am the person with pain in his eyes, I am the person you never saw cry.
quote: Originally posted by: Bloodline_Blue " Yes, you sound rather like Jenna in that respect. It poses a few problems when you consider that, in this respect (and others), Jenna and I are polar opposites. Alas it is a shame, I just try.. *sniff* ..not to let it hurt too bad.. "
i really dont mind hugs thta much, i just hate being touched on the arms to much. and i have a phobia of having unclean hands..well..thats more of a habbit of washing them to much
"Vanish like a lipstick trace
It always blows me away